Which is Better – Part Three

It has now been a little over a week since my last post and I am definitely starting to see major gains in the 2 soil pots. I did have to top all four of the plants 2 days ago and now all the plants are starting to bush nicely. The plants in the hydroponic pots are still significantly larger than the soil plants. We have seen some gains in the Humboldts hydroponic plant as it is now larger than the Lotus plant, though it still is not quite as bushy. The 2 soil plants are pretty even at this time. We have started to see what appears to be an iron deficiency in all the plants and so we are adding Humboldts Cal/Mag to all the plants as this preparation does contain some iron.. I have included updated pictures.

Humboldts Soil
Lotus Soil
Lotus Hydroponics
Humboldts Hydroponics
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