Final Desicion: Lotus vs Humboldts

Final Desicion: Lotus vs Humboldts

Hi, this is Sandy again from High Grow Hydro. We finally have the answeers to our question we posed back in the fall, “Which is Better”. The soil plants finshed curing this week and we were able to send the samples off for THC profile testing. We used a local lab here is Waynesboro, VA by the name of Seido Testing Labs, Inc. John Otsuki is the owner of the lab and was interested in participating with us in our nutrient challenge research. For the total harvest weight of the soil plants, Lotus came in at 8 ounces even and the Humboldts came in at 6 ounces and 3 grams. So the Lotus nutrients produced about 25% more product according to our challenge. On the taste test performed the Lotus had a smoother smoke and slightly better flovor. On the actual THC testing both plants came in almost even. The Lotus profile showed 17.1% THC, 0.5% CBD and 0.5% CBN. The Humboldts plant was 17.7% THC, 0.6% CBD and 0.4% CBN. So for those looking to increase their harvest amount, it looks like Lotus is the winner for the soil plants also.

We have already started the process to begin our next nutrient challenge. We willl be pitting Dakine 420 against Athena products. We will be using Autopots for this run to make this a little less time intensive. I am using 4 clones from the original Triple Cheese OG hydroponic plant for this run and this should make a truely even playing field. The plants have been placed in the Autopots and are now just recieving ph water as top watering. I will be filling the tanks with nutrients this weekend and then the race will be on!

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