Dakine 420 vs Athena Nutrients: Week 2

It has now been 2 weeks since I placed the Triple Cheese OG clones into the AutoPot XL systems. I did top water with ph’d water for the fist week that they were in the pots and left the system off. Starting the second week I did add 3 gallons of nutrient mixeture solutions to each of the reservoir. The plants growth were fairly even iin the fist week of top watering with no issues noted in any of the plants. Mid way through the second week I did start seeing some accelerated growth in all the plants, even though they had only been receiving nutrients for 4 days. By the end of the second week I am beginning to see some difference in the growth rate between the nutrients. The Athena plants are slightly larger at this point but all four plants are nice and green and healthy looking. (See pictures below) I will post again in about 2 weeks.

Dakine 420
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