Dakine 420 vs Athena Week 9

Dakine 420 vs Athena Week 9

We are now starting the 4th week of flower tomorrow and all 4 of the plants in the tent are continuing to gow well and have healthy stems, leaves and beginning buds. The difference in the size of the plants is more evident this week as the stretching of the plants comes to an end. The main stem of the Athena is slightly larger than the main stem of the Dakine. The leaves on the Athena are a slightly darker green color. The Athena plants are taking in larger amounts of the nutrient solution due to their size. I have maintained the Grower’s Choice light at 75% but will be moving the light up another 10″ and increasing to 100% tomorrow. I am including pictures taken last night.

Week 4 Flower
Athena Bud
Dakine 420 Bud
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