Floraflex vs Botanicare: Week 9

This week is the start of week 5 in flower. This has been a rough week for the Floraflex plants. The yellowing of the leaves has continued even with attempts to mitigate the situation. These plants were taking in very little nutrient Solution over the past week and I tried adding some hydrogen peroxide to the reservoir and Hydroguard, thinking that I may be dealing with some sort of bacterial infection in that system, since both plants were declining and losing some of their foliage. I have seen little change in the plants since doing this and am fearful that this challenge may be over at this point. The Botanicare plants continue to grow and flourish and are drinking over 1/2 a gallon of solution a day. Doing these challenges, I have learned there are many factors beyond our control. That even when you feel you have planned and done everything the correct way, you can run into troubles. Everyone who grows will at some point run into some kind of difficulty while growing their plants. I have pictures once again and will touch base again in 2 weeks to let everyone know if the Floraflex turn around or if this challenge is over


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