The Light is Key!

To unlock the true potential of your plants, the “Light is Key!” You have to have a good full-spectrum light to get the best results for your plants. There are lots of lights out there competing for your attention, and many of them touting that they have the stronger wattage and the best electrical efficiency, or umol/J. This is a brute force way of forcing light to plants. The truth is, plants don’t understand “efficiency”. Plants receive light in all directions and what is most important is they respond to a wide range of colors, more than just “white and red”. Even more important is that they like a certain balance of colors to do their best.

Did you know that plants use much more than “red and white” light? Just like a well balanced plate of food, sometimes less is more if the quality is high. With correct full-spectrum lights, it is the light your eyes can’t see, that increases the photosynthesis needed for super efficient growth. When the colors are balanced, this encourages the following plant characteristics. 1) Wide leaf development, which increase the capture of light, 2) Quick canopy development, which means plants quickly fill your grow area(note – Infrared light is scientifically proven to increase development of a full canopy). 3) Strong branching – more bottom stems will reach toward the light.. 4) Full Genetic expression – to get the best plant structure, terpene profile and yield, (plants won’t perform their best with only a limited set of colors).

Sometimes the brightest white light is not the best for the plant development. Young plants can be stunted if there are too many white diodes present in a light and not enough of the more expensive colored diodes. Proper light sizing for your grow area is also essential to maximize your plants potential. By assuring that your light coverage is correct you, can get the correct light needed from edge to edge of your grow area.

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